Friday, January 28, 2011

Nitty Gritty

So I know I need to write another post, but I'm not sure about what. Not that we haven't been doing anything wedding related lately... with Tara now being engaged, wedding things are about all we do now these days, it's just that none of it is very interesting. I am currently designing our programs for the wedding ceremony and the menus for the reception... I took a pointer or two from these lovely people...

I am working out the kinks in our wedding music playlist, I just made a wedding word search for the word finder enthusiast, I made a detailed wedding schedule (I'm turning into Tara), we're starting to mail out our invitations, and then later today Tara and I are meeting with the florist to finalize floral arrangements. A lot of nitty gritty but boy do I feel like I'm getting a lot done :-)

Next Post: Flowerrrrs!!!

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