I think these are called 'button daisies' but I could be very wrong. Anyways, I hate daisies but I love these little guys.
I am working out the kinks in our wedding music playlist, I just made a wedding word search for the word finder enthusiast, I made a detailed wedding schedule (I'm turning into Tara), we're starting to mail out our invitations, and then later today Tara and I are meeting with the florist to finalize floral arrangements. A lot of nitty gritty but boy do I feel like I'm getting a lot done :-)
Next Post: Flowerrrrs!!!
1. And Fun Fact number one is that ISAAC AND I ARE GOING TO COSTA RICA ON OUR HONEYMOON!!!!!
This is extremely exciting news for us to share because we have been praying about this for the past year and nothing seemed to be working out. We tried so many different places but there was always something wrong; travel time was too much, airfare was too expensive, time difference and jet lag would be too extreme, hotels were not quite honeymoon ideal. So of course we turned to God and prayed, knowing that he would lead us to the perfect place in His prefect timing. And he did as of today, it all fell into place and we are so so so entirely blessed. So May 8th we are going to be well on our way to this tropical paradise...
Thank you Jesus. Beyond excited would be an understatement.