These are what I'm working on now. GIFTS. You'd think this would be easy... you'd think that the millions of other brides out there would have AMAZING ideas... you'd THINK that they wouldn't give their poor (literally poor after your wedding) bridesmaids and sweet volunteers things like this:
Bobble Heads. Yep. Some girl gave her bridesmaids their very own bobble head.... Ugh. Drawing no inspiration from these weirdos, I had to start from scratch.
These are just a few of the different gifts ideas I came across during my search. Maybe I'm partial but I kind of like... ok, love all these things.

I wish I had found these earlier. Maybe it's the baker in me but I probably would have bought every single flavor I could find! I mean who doesn't like cupcakes??? Makes 12 cupcakes.
$14.00 at 
Lasts long and comes in A TON of cool colors. My fave right now 'The one that got away'.
$8.00ish per bottle Find a store near you HERE

You can't really go wrong with messages. Pretty much a crowd pleaser. Unless you're Chiraptophobic.....confession: I had to look that up :-) If you're like me and need to google that, it's the fear of being touched.

Take care of them footsies. I would venture to say that this is also a crowd pleaser!

Metallic flippity flops- good for
after those pedicures... or dancing shoes at the reception!
$5.00 at Old Navy 
One of my favorites! I just think these bandaids are so stinkin cute! Great for after that long night in heals.
$8 at Urban Outfitters.
And last but certainly not least....MY TAKE on the 'personalized bridal gift':
Customized Cosmetic Bags. You can choose your own fabric and even put each girl's name on it.

I think they're so cute.
So there you have it folks. I hope this helps a desperate bride out there looking for inspiration.