Saturday, July 31, 2010
a little glimpse...
Here's a glimpse at the things that have consumed my life lately.....
Shoe clips... considering making my own...
Name cards and place settings...
Reception decor
Program fans
Photo booth fun
Isaac's wedding band....
Decisions, decisions.
I love these

I want to buy this and nail it to my ceiling so it's the last thing I see at night since that's the time I worry about my budget and silly things like whether my dress will fit...

And yet there is still more that has been flooding my mind like finalizing the table designs, meeting with the caterer and florist, finding gifts for my 11 bridesmaids (yep, 11), putting together a JCrew worthy honeymoon wardrobe, and deciding on the music for the entire day. It's a good thing I still have another 8 months because this wedding planning stuff is a little overwhelming. My motto I've realized is this

But for now, to save money and my ceiling, I listen to this sweet song and rest my tiresome little peepers. (The link to follow in the next blog post) Please enjoy!
Goodnight everyone. Sleep well.
PS. I've lost 8 pounds! woo hoo! Thank you shake weight.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Ugh Napkins...
So it's been a while since my last blog update. Why you might ask? Well I'll tell you why. NAPKINS.
I say it with as much disdain as I can possibly muster up. Just mentioning the word now causes me to flinch. Last week our table linens came in and I thought it would be a brilliant idea to iron and fold the napkins so it would be one less thing to do the week before the wedding ... Little did I know that this would take me a full week to complete. I sat down that first day with so much enthusiasm and joy, but realized 3 hours later that I had only finished 2 piles of 10 napkins.... 20 napkins in 3 hours?? Are you kidding me?? If you do the math, it took me 9 minutes to iron, fold, and ribbon one whole napkin. My back ached, my fingers were bruised and burned and I couldn't take it anymore and yet it was only the first day and I still had 230 to go. Oh God bless me. I realized very quickly that these napkins were going to take me a lifetime, but if you know me, you know that once I fully commit to something, I have to see it through or it drives me nuts. So day by day, little by little, burned finger after burned finger, 25 hours later, I finally completed those dang napkins! And when I placed that last folded, ribboned napkin in the storage bin, I swear I heard angels singing a sweet sweet chorus of hallelujah... or maybe that was me screaming with pure and utter elation. Thank you Jesus!

And now, with that hurdle out of the way, I will now focus my attention on ... the table cloths. Just like napkins but bigger. Ughhhhhh tablecloths!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
A couple weeks ago Whitney asked if I would go with her to Davids Bridal to pick out earrings for the wedding. And of course I said yes. You can ask Whitney how many times I have said yes since the planning has began. 100% of the time. I am behind her and all of her ideas. She has the most creative mind and a desire to make the wedding day unforgettable for us and our attendees.
Anyway back to Davids Bridal."You'll love Davids Bridal." I always sing that stupid tune after I hear those words. I am off on Thursdays so we decided to go then. I love my sleep and wanted to sleep in for a little bit and Whitney was kind enough to let me do that. :) We made our journey to Peoria and arrived at Davids around noonish. I have never been to a wedding store and didn't know what to expect. Its a very interesting place. First off I was the only male in the store but I sucked it up and shopped with my lady. There were young brides coming in and out of the dressing rooms posing for their moms and sisters. It made me anxious to see what Whitney's dress is going to look like! Whitney didn't find earrings that day and I blame it on the person who worked there. She was of no help. But Whitney did find a cool looking thing that you put on your head. :)
We never go anywhere without eating so after Davids we hit up Sonic! Delish! We also took a stroll thru Northwoods mall and then headed back into town.. It was a delightful day with my beautiful bride to be.
In case you were wondering 10 months from today I will say "I do."
Peace out blogspot
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