Thursday, March 24, 2011


We met with the bank and we got approved!! Now we just have to find that perfect house :-)
If you know anyone selling a house (that you think a newly married couple could afford) let us know!!
... funny how the things that have been making me the happiest these days are things I would not have given a second thought to 3 years ago. I think this may be what you call 'getting older'.... ew.

Coming soon- Pictures from my bridal showers! Stay tuned!


  1. ahh yay! i didn't even know this and I live with you. weirds. congrats whit! love you!

  2. So, there's the PERFECT starter home on a great piece of property. There's a little stream that runs beside it and a shed a big yard! The best part?! It's about 2-3 min from where I live right now!!! The down side?! It's only for rent...but if you can't find your perfect house, you should check out this option! :)

  3. aww that would be so cute! Then I wouldn't be so sad about moving away from my neighbor Heidi!

  4. If it's for rent, it's often for sale without advertising - just ask! (Maybe Tam knows)
