My wedding planner.
After the meeting, we went frolicking through the vineyard.... and Isaac found Mars.
My wedding planner.
After the meeting, we went frolicking through the vineyard.... and Isaac found Mars.
Here we go. It all started a couple years ago when I asked Whitney “Hey if we decided to get married what type of ring would you want?” It didn’t take her long before she started sending me emails at work with websites leading to this ring. She only showed me a couple because she knew exactly what she wanted. I don’t go ga ga over jewelry but I fell in love with this ring.
Side note- I have expense taste, and after viewing Whitney’s choices I figured out Whitney also has expensive taste. But this is the one time where making such a big investment is worth it because this will last a lifetime. J
So I kept my eye out for a year or so trying to find the best design that suited us both. After a long search we both came across the perfect one. And now that ring is on her finger. J
I couldn’t just go to any store and get this ring. It had to be a store that had Ritani, (the specific designer that we liked). So I found a place up in Chicago called Marshal Pierce and Co., I started talking with one of their workers named Anne and told her exactly what I wanted and got the quote right then. O yea, they also gave State Farm employee’s discounts! That helped…a little. By this time I think Whit had a hunch that I was in the process of getting a ring but for the most part I kept it secret.
I needed to go up to the store and pick out a diamond but I never go to Chi-town with out Whit. So we went up there and I went to the store while she went shopping. I told her I was going to look at rings but never said exactly what I was really doing. When I arrived at the downtown building, the security officer made me sign in and checked if I had an appointment. I was afraid they were going to going to ask for my passport and pat me down! But I knew that I was going to find what I was looking for in a place like this. When I made it to the sixth floor, I had to be buzzed in before I entered the large glass doors. When I walked in the store I was greeted by Anne who then showed me 4 diamonds. After only 5 minutes, I found the perfect diamond (of course it was the best one) J and left the store very happy.
By this time I didn’t know when I was going to propose. I was just super excited that I got the second of three major things out of the way. (the first thing was talking to her dad, third asking her to marry me) I wanted the right proposal idea to come to me and it did 3 days before I asked!
It took a month or so to make the ring and when I got the call saying it was done I was very happy but also scared! I didn’t know how I was going to get it without Whit knowing! But then it came to me… I had planned to go to a concert in Chicago with one of my friends the very next day. Thank you Jesus! I picked it up, kept it very close to me at all times and brought it home and gave it to my mom so she could hide it. J (o yea I had my mom try it on a couple times so I could see how it looked)
A couple weeks later that ring was on my babys hand and I was the happiest person on earth. I bent down in the parking lot of a delicious steak house (we’re simple like that, plus we like FOOD) and asked her to marry me. She said “Of course.” Then I laughed because she would say that, then tears of joy filled our eyes. I called my mom and she called and texted her whole phone book! J